Genesis 41. Joseph interprets the King's dream.
Joseph gets put in charge because the spirit of God is evident in his life. (Genesis 41:38-44)
Joseph says he forgets all his past trouble and his father's family (vs. 51). Won't he be surprised in a few more chapters?
Joseph had been through trial after trial despite the fact that he knew the dreams God had given him meant something. Joseph was faithful in the midst of all these trials. Because of his faith and his integrity even in horrible situations (being hated by his brothers, being sold into slavery, false accusations, and years of imprisonment for these false accusations), important people saw his integrity and wisdom. Because of this, Pharaoh placed him in the second most honorable position in the land (only second to Pharaoh).
My, how our lives can change from day to day. Joseph must have felt like he had finally arrived and could forget all the troubles from his past. It must have felt like a huge sigh of relief. Finally living right had paid off.