Matthew 7. This chapter starts with Jesus telling us not to judge. I like Adrian Rogers' commentary on this. He explains that the word translated here as the word "judge" is "krino" and it has several meanings--it can mean "evaluate," "choose" or "condemn." I am going to copy the next two paragraphs out of Adrian Rogers' Legacy Bible because I think they explain this passage much better than I ever could.
"In this context our Lord is not telling us that we shouldn't evaluate or discriminate because He clearly said to watch out for logs, dogs, and hogs (Matt. 7:5,6). A few verses down, He added, 'Beware of false prophets' (v. 15). The Bible says to 'test the spirits, whether they are of God' (1 John 4:1) and that 'he who is spiritual judges all things' (1 Cor. 2:15).
"What Jesus warned against here in Matthew 7:1 is not the judgment we need to choose right and refuse wrong. He warned against the unmerciful and self-righteous condemnation of another human being." (Adrian Rogers Legacy Bible pages 1080-1081).
The chapter goes on to reassure us in verse 11 that God is a loving Father to us and He will "give good things to those who ask Him!"
Verses 13-14 talk about the way of life being difficult (narrow is the gate and few find it) and the way that leads to destruction is broad (and many go down this path).
Verses 21-23 admonish us to make sure we are doing the will of the Father if we expect to enter the kingdom of Heaven.
Verses 24-27 tells us to make sure we are building our lives on the solid rock of Jesus Christ so the storms of life won't be able to demolish us.
Verses 28-29 talk about how "astounded" the people were listening to Jesus' teaching. May I remain in awe of His remarkable ways and teachings, too.