Genesis 9. Of all the things to ponder from this chapter--God telling Noah and his family to go populate the earth, God giving them everything for food, God declaring that man is precious because he is made in God's image, the rainbow as a symbol of God's covenant between Himself and every living creature, and the weird story of Noah's drunkenness and how differently his sons handled that. I am not going to blog on any of that.
What I am going to blog about goes along with the theme of us walking with God for all our life.
Verse 28, "And Noah lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years."
Noah LIVED after the flood. Noah had lived 600 long years before the flood. He had walked with God. He had heard God's voice that told him every step of how to build the ark to protect himself and his family. Surely, Noah had been a witness for God for his generation to escape the terrible flood. Surely he told others how to escape God's wrath, but I guess they all ignored him and made fun.
Then he lives on the ark with his family and animals for a year. He watched the flood come for 40 days and nights. He watched earth as he knew it be completely destroyed. He watched what was once his beloved land and home disappear in the flood. He surely watched friends and acquaintances perish in this awful flood.
Then after the flood consumed everything he used to know of the earth he had lived in for 600 years, he still had to stay in the boat until everything dried enough for him to get out. I am sure that waiting had to be horrible. Talk about cabin fever! I am sure he wondered if he would ever be out of this long "flood trial".
I think it is interesting to note how the Bible says Noah lived 350 years after the flood! What an encouragement for us to press on through difficult trials! There may be life on the other side of the flood! In fact, there may be long life after the flood.
Keep walking with God, my friends.
"So all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years; and he died."